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Our Mission

The mission of the Venango County Historical Society shall be:


1.  The acquisition and preservation of materials relating to the history the County of Venango and to encourage the study and appreciation of that history.


2.  To make its historical resources accessible to the public.

About VCHS

The Venango County Historical Society was organized in 1957, and a charter was granted in November of 1959. After several temporary locations, the Society purchased its long-time headquarters, the Hoge-Osmer House, in 1981.


In 2009, the society was able to purchase and move into the Egbert-Mullins-Koos house, situated next door, and have now relocated to this facility, located at 307 South Park street.


The Society is governed by a18-member board of directors, who meet 10 times per year on the second Monday of the month.


The Society's funding comes from several sources - our membership dues, donations, grants and trusts, our Endowment Fund ,and an annual gift from the County of Venango.  The majority of our funding comes from fundraisers - our annual Book Fair is the largest.


The historic items that make up the Society's collections come entirely from donations. 


VCHS's Board of Directors

President - Bessie Nolf

First Vice President - Robert Billingsly

Second Vice President - Barb Hankins

First Treasurer - David Anderton

Second Treasurer - Randy Solle

First Secretary - Cathy Turner

Second Secretary - 

VCHS's Board Members

Jenn Burden

Taunee Smith

Caroll Gehres

Logan Harris

Bonnie Jolley

Willard Beck

Pegg Woods

Bessie Nolf

Barb Hankins

Robert Hoffman

Jim Nelms

Colleen Scurry

George Thompson

Kara O'Neil



By becoming a member of VCHS you help us preserve the history of Venango County, and make it accessible to citizens and visitors alike. Click here for more information.

VCHS Staff

Henry Burdett - Secretary

Eric W. Cook - Executive Director

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